Sunday, August 31, 2008

+ Couch Surfin': Stop One aka Magical Life


Coolin' Out on Goofball Status

Its 10:27am San Fran time and I'm lounging on Ella's couch: my new home for the next two weeks. It always take a day or two for my body to adjust and after a fitful sleep I'm all yawns. Jet lag. Perfect time to update. (Yawn)

The flight out went without a hitch. Aside for paying $50 to get my suitcase onto the plane due to copious product weighing down my baggage and almost missing the flight because of bad airport communication (changed gate), I am here intact. Ella, my closest friend during our three-summer stint as camp counselors at Camp Unirondack back-in-tha-day, picked me up at the terminal and we fell right back into our friendship as if a day hadn't passed between us. A mark of a good friendship. Ell is a labor union organizer and lives in San Fran with her wonderful girlfriend Shoshana and roomie Shruti. Their apartment is spacious and full of feng shui, light and meditation. I am happy to call their futon home for my first two weeks here.

After a short driving tour of the small city, we load up with organic groceries at the co-op (thank good, says my wallet- can I tell you Kombucha is only $2.99?!) and head to her home where we laugh and joke and catch up before sharing a meal at the super-hippy, super-Caits friendly Cafe Gratitude. This Cafe is the perfect landing for the trip. The food is seriously delicious and makes all the raw food spots in New York look amateur in comparison. The menu items are labeled "I am sassy," "I am beautiful," "I am gracious," (etc etc) and, yes, you must order them with conviction! We laugh at the new-agey-ness of it all, but secretly I love the affirmations and we fill out cards that belong to a game that is impossible to figure out. The cards have two lists from which you chose your name (see photo below.) I am now resurrected as "Buddha Gigantic Caits." Yes!

Today brings a hike and my first show. Off to prepare and shower. Excited to fill you in on new adventures to come...

For now, photos!


PS. I received the most hilarious voicemail ever after exiting the plane, pondering my message that says, "have a magical day." Courtesy of the silly Mr. Maximus:

Have a magical day? That's what you tell all your voice mailers? That's how you greet them, have a magical day, as if to say, like what, like, like I'm going to the store and I reach for my wallet and a rabbit comes out. Like that kind of thing? Like if that doesn't happen its not a magical day?

Or like um like if I meet, you know, my mom or something or go on a date or something and I'm supposed to pull flowers out of my sleeve thats a magical day right there, boom, right?

Or maybe I could make somebody disappear or make myself disappear and then I'm having a magical day

Hmmmm, I wonder if that's what you mean by have a magical day. I'm not sure. I'll find out. If that doesn't happen, if any of that stuff doesn't happen, then it's like, I didn't have a magical day and then if I didn't have a magical day, then my day probably sucks. Fuck, I hope I have a magical day.

Ok. Bye.


Dear readers, what do you think a magical day is?

I think it's all this & more:


Exhausted Caits & her Long-Lost Ella

Home for the next 2 weeks

Ella's Street- Lookit that purple house!

I'm obsessed with Cafe Gratitude

The game we couldn't figure out... hmph, hippies.

Peep my new moniker: BUDDHA GIGANTIC CAITS!
(Click to see larger)

I knew bringing a camera into the bathroom would pay off...

Ella loves Shoshana!



So Live! Arts said...

you must love how your life is going. somehow it makes me re-evaluate mine... I love mine too. I have been in hibernation working for my new bosses' and they are pretty damn cool, too! I pray for a link up in the bay... but why try and link in the bay if we don't even link in Brooklyn?

made me think about that...


Caits Meissner said...

Life is sweet, yes, but you have some exciting thangs happening in your world, lady! We don't link in Brooklyn because life gets manically busy. Let's def link here where the breeze defines the day... cool out mode.